Thank You ALLAH ♥

Thank You ALLAH  - Maher Zain ♥

I was so far from you,
Yet to me you were always so close,
I wandered lost in the dark, 
I closed my eyes toward the signs, 
You put in my way, 
I walked everyday,
Further and further away from you, 
Ooooo Allah, you brought me home, 
I thank You with every breath I take. 

Alhamdulillah, Ahamdulillah,
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah,
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, 
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah. 

I never thought about,
All the things you have given to me, 
I never thanked you once,
I was too proud to see the truth, 
And prostrate to you.
Until I took the first step,
And that’s when you opened the doors for me,
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing,
By being far from you.

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

Allah, I wanna thank You,
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done,
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost,
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong,
And did you give me hope.

Allah, I wanna thank you,
I wanna thank You for all the things that you’ve done,
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost,
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong,
I wanna thank You for bringing me home.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

Lagu ni agak menyentuh hati. Setiap manusia melakukan kesilapan. Jika bertaubat dengan seikhlas hati kepada Allah, InsyaALLAH taubat diterima. :’)

Lagu ni membuktikan bahawa kasih sayang ALLAH begitu luas kepada hamba-hambaNya walaupun hamba-hambaNya membawa dosa setinggi gunung. Dengan kehendakNya, orang yang selama ini sesat, Allah telah membawa mereka untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan. SubhanALLAH! 

5 Ogos 2011M – 5 Ramadhan 1432H
